Monday, June 30, 2008

A New "First"

As we got ready to leave the babysitter's today, I waved "bye bye" to Ofie as usual. To our surprise, Milan did it too! She put her hand up and moved her fingers up and down. We got so happy and excited. Milan also had a smile from ear to ear showing us that she knew she did something good. It seems like just yesterday that she was born and now she is communicating with us. We will keep you posted on more "firsts" as they happen.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Day at the Museum

Today, we decided to go to Bowers Museum to see the Terra Cotta Army exhibit. It was really interesting. Around 221 BC, the first Emperor of China had thousands of life sized soldiers created to be placed in his tomb. This is the first time the soldiers have left China. Milan did very well in the museum and took everything in. The picture of Milan and myself with what looks like a statue is actually a man dressed as a terra cotta solder. He was walking around essentially scaring people because he looked so lifelike:) Milan liked him, but was a little weary.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Day at home with mommy.

Milan and I got to spend the day together. I had a busy day of chasing her around the house. We watched a couple Baby Einstein DVD's (well they were on in the background at least). Milan decided to play with my Angel's hat. It is a little big on her, but she wore it for a while anyway. Then, she took some time to torment our dog, Alley. Alley was a good sport about it though and just put up with Milan's pushing, pulling, and patting.