Thursday, May 12, 2011

Mother's Day Tea

I took a personal day from work today to attend a Mother's Day Tea at Milan's school.

The tea began with a few songs.
I got to see a poem Milan wrote for me. I know it is hard to see, so here is what it says:

My Mommy
By: Milan

My mommy likes to "go to Target".

Her favorite color is "gray and white, like her new car".

She likes to eat "cheese".

I like when she "plays with me".

She the best mommy because "she is the best in the whole world!"

Happy Mother's Day!

Here is a frog she made.

Here is her picture of me.

We had tea sandwiches, fruit, and lemonade. Throughout the meal Milan kept wishing me a Happy Mother's Day and coming over to give me multiple hugs. I must admit, it was a fantastic day off with my favorite girl in the world!

Look at her cute flower hat.

Before we left, she made a couple of tall towers with blocks.

Here is the song Milan and her friends sang. The quality is terrible. I don't know if it was a setting I pushed, or that the camera needed new batteries. Hopefully some day we can get a fancy camera and we will not have these problems. Until then, thanks for putting up with the quality of my pictures and clips:)

Auntie Adrienne's Birthday

We got together for dinner and then cake at Marisa and Mark's to celebrate Adrienne's birthday.

We go a few family pictures in after we sang Happy Birthday.

Happy Birthday to Adrienne:)

A Picture of Dean

This is a picture of Milan drew of Dean. Milan's pictures are getting a little more detailed. You can see eyes with eyeballs, eye brows, a nose with nostrils, arms with hands and legs with feet. I love seeking her artwork!

Milan's Open House

We got to see the Tiny Tot Zoo that was created for Milan's Open House.

We got to see all the animals that Milan and her friends made.

Here is Milan with her teacher, Mrs. Shelly.

Milan and Dean stop to take a picture on out way out.