Sunday, April 24, 2011

First Steps

Dean is starting to walk! He is getting more stable every day. Crawling is still his main mode of transportation, but he is practicing his walking more and more. I can't believe out baby is becoming a toddler!!!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Preschool Party

Milan's teacher let me come to school for the Easter party. It started with the kids hunting for an egg they had decorated earlier that day.

Milan was very proud of her egg!

Then, they got to eat a hot dog and some snacks. Preschool is very different from my first grade classroom. Most of the kids did not actually talk to each other. Most of the talking was just to Mrs. Shelly. She has a lot of conversations to keep up with:)

Right before this picture, Mrs. Shelly read a book about a bunny to the kids and asked some questions. As she was finishing, Milan threw her hands in the air and exclaimed, "I love Curious George!" It had nothing to do with the story, but it was really cute:)

The very end of the day was story time and the kids were given an Easter bag and an invitation for the parents to an upcoming Open House. Stay tuned for pictures from that next week.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Dean's Actual Birthday

We had cupcakes at home as a family on Dean's birthday.
We got him a Cozy Coupe as his gift.

He really liked his new toy.

Here is a clip of Dean eating his birthday cupcake.

First Haircut

We took Dean for his first haircut. He did really well.

He occasionally swatted away the scissors.

But other than that, he was very still and well behaved.

I don't know if the camera was on a weird setting, or if Dean was moving around too much (or if Jay was moving too much;) but these were the best pictures we got. They are a little blurry, but captured the moment none the less:)

A Day at the Zoo

We got a family membership to the SA zoo. We can't wait until Dean can walk so her can enjoy it more. But for now, he got the hang out in the stroller for most of the day.

We got to ride on the elephant named Rosie. Milan still talks about her.

Of course what trip to the zoo would be complete without riding on the merry-go-round of endangered species? Milan chose to ride on the panda this time. It was a nice day:)