Sunday, August 23, 2009

Milan's 2nd Birthday Party:)

We started Milan's birthday at My Gym. This is the gym she goes to for her tot gymnastics class. We had a little "circle time" where the kids introduced themselves. Milan is still a bit too shy to say her name in front of a lot of people.
They had a fort with tons of puppets. I think this was one of Milan's favorite parts of the party.

The kids sat to hear directions before they played a game. Because Callan was there, Milan sat like a perfect angel:)

Favorite cousins!

After being brought out on her very own sleigh, Princess Milan was the only kid who got to swing during the party - these are the perks at your party I guess!
The kids waited patiently for "space flight"rides.
Puppet show.
BUBBLES! This was a fun time for all the kids:)

Look at Milan's face:)

Here is a little clip of the kids in action as they popped the bubbles.

After we got back home, it was time to play with some of the toys Milan got from her party. Here she is counting her dress-up shoes from grandma and grandpa. Milan had a fantastic party! Thanks to all who came:)

Milan and Callan at the Park

Last weekend, we took Milan and Callan to the park. Milan got to do her new favorite thing - climb up and down the stairs!
They love hanging out together!

These cousins are lucky to have each other:)

Friday, August 14, 2009

Extra Special News!!!

We are pleased to announce that sometime around the middle of March, the newest member of the DiLuigi family will make his/her debut!!! Milan is going to be a big sister:) It is hard to tell what this sonogram even is, but trust me, it is at least one baby:)

Monday, August 10, 2009

Animal Lover

The other day Milan decided to put on Daddy's shirt and chase Tony around a bit. He is a tempermental cat, but surprisingly he was a good sport.

She continued the hugs even after she took off the shirt:)

Here's Milan with her best bud - Rudy!

Milan loves to roll around with Rudy on his pillow. Unfortunately, she smells like dog afterwards! Oh well, is she does not mind, neither do we:) She also has cookie on her face:) Gotta love it!

What happens when mommy is not looking:)

The other day I had started a movie while Milan took a nap. There was about a half an hour left of it when she woke up. I decided to let her play as the movie was finishing up.

I came in to check on her and she had taken all the paper out of the printer and found a pencil and colored on every sheet!
She was very proud of her work!!!