Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Zoomar's Crazy Petting Zoo

Today the baby group went to Zoomar's. They have guinne pigs, rabbits, goats, llamas, horses, birds, and turtles.

We bought a "salad" to feed the animals.

Milan also liked to pet them. Some of them were scared of her and that was frustrating for her.

The baby goats were the most responsive.
The adult goats were not hindered by benches.
Milan got a green cowboy hat. She wore it on the train.
After Milan refused to ride the pony, we went on the train again. She wanted to sit in the front, so we had to wait for the next train. We were the only ones on this train.

After the train, it was back to feeding the animals, and wearing her hat like a pirate.

This was the sign that it was time to go home.

New Word

Sorry, this is sideways again:(

Sometimes, it is easy to entertain a toddler. Milan and I watched JungleBook. I was trying to get her to learn a few new animal names. So, I started saying, "Sssnnnaaakke". She thought it was hilarious and continued to copy me for the rest of the day:)

Water Day!

After spending the majority of the week at the park, I decided to do something different and have a water day. Milan loved it. She played with her water table, the hose, and the spicket.

Alley and Rudy

I just thought these were cute pics of our dogs:)

Our Trip to San Fran

Here we are in a bar called, Vesuvio's.

This was a trolley that was not in use. We did ride the trolley several times on this trip. This was my first time. You use muscles you did not know you had to stay in while going up or down hill if you are not lucky enough to get a seat!

We went to the wharf. The tiny guy hanging on the bottom of the sign is Jay:) We ate clam chowder in a bread bowl. It was soooo windy though, and Jay ended up wearing a lot of the chowder from my bowl...ooops!

Out last night in San Fran, some of our friends came into town to hang out.

Here is Jay with Chris (Cal) and Peyman. It was good to get away on a short vacation!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Playing Basketball at Grandma's

Milan and Gavin played basketball at grandma and grandpa's house while we were in San Fransisco.
I can't believe how big Gavin is getting! Aside from his hair, he looks a lot like his mommy:)

Lookin' cute on the court.

Dribbling with grandpa.

On her way to being a star!

Monday, June 15, 2009

A Few More Words

Milan is talking up a storm these days. She is speaking English and Spanish. Her speach has grown SO much since my last post. Here are some of her new words and phrases:
uvas (grapes)
hasta manana

good morning/night night
buenas noches
Ofie (nanny)
push (this means push and pull)
hold it (as in give it to me!)

knock, knock
Come in
Angels (she knows the symbol too)
Where Mommy go?
What are you doing? (this is her favorite thing to say)
clean up
cho cho train
outside (this also means inside)
share (this can mean give me what you are playing with)

shake (if you did not know better, this sounds like a bad word)


*** She is also starting so sing a few nursery rhymes such as Twinkle, Twinkle and Row, Row, Row Your Boat. She also likes Ring Around the Rosie and of cours the theme song to Jack's Big Music Show (probably only mommies of young kids know that one...dum ditty dum di dum di dum day!)
This is such a fun age:)

Friday, June 12, 2009


The Richman babies headed over to a park in Irvine. Near the playground was this fountain with four spitting frogs.
They were the highlight of the outing!

We were lucky none of the babies fell in:)

But they still managed to get soaked!

What could be more fun than a nice day playing with water?

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Progress at My Gym

Milan is going to My Gym two times a week now.

She started in a class for toddlers 14-22 months. At first, she was one of the youngest and could not do what the others could do.

Now, she is an old pro. She has some new skills. She could not jump when we started, and now she can! She is climbing on her own too. She used to hold her hands out for my help, and now she pushed them away.

She LOVES to swing.

This is what is called seperation time. The parents are supposed to let the kids have time without them (we are close by). Milan has no problem with this. She is really independent. Some of the other toddlers do not do as well. I think that leaving her while I work has something to do with this:(

Today, she spent most of seperation time cleaning up the balls. Good throw Milan!

More cleaning (she must be Jay's daughter).

She helped the other girls pull (she says "push") the bucket to the toy room.

Story time! When we first started, Milan would not sit for this. Now, she really enjoys it. I think she will be a good student some day!

Milan has come a long way in My Gym:)

The Hardest Part of My Day

Everyday, I wake Milan up before I leave and brush her teeth. Then, she watches Jack's Big Music Show on the couch while Daddy gets ready.

She becomes one with the couch with her 3 identical babies:)

This is one of my favorite times of the day!

She is SOOOOO cute...it is incredibly hard to leave. It is really hard to be a working mom!