Thursday, September 16, 2010

First Day of Preschool

Milan started preschool this month. She goes 2 days a week for 2 1/2 hours. She was happy here, but as soon as I took her in, she cried. Now, the teachers warned us about this. We were told to say our goodbye's and then leave it to the professionals. Well, let me tell you how tough that was to actually do! She has been going for about 2 weeks. She is still crying, but each day is getting better.

It helps that she has her friend, Brooklyn from My Gym. She talks about Brooklyn and another friend named Olivia. She also talks about Miss Shelly, her teacher.

Miss Shelly is a wonderful teacher, and the program is great. I am sure with a little more time, Milan will love it.

Can you believe my little girl is 3 AND in preschool. I can't!

Babbling Baby

Here is Dean "talking" at 5 months. He also has a little "snack" about half way through;)

Sister and Brother Time

The Dean Lean

Okay so the picture quality is terrible...the swing was moving and it was hard to get a good pic. But, you can see that this is how Dean sleeps in the swing - leaning over the side. It is really cute, but does not look comfortable.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Milan - The Garage Years

Milan's 3rd Birthday Party!!!

So I had 3 different cameras from her birthday party. So, they are not in any order:) Here is the drum set Jay insisted on getting her!

Blowing out the candle.

Most of the kids in front of the jumper.

Baby brother Dean and other wonderful friends:)

Star cookie favors made by Auntie M (Melissa).

Dean and Grandma:)

Summer Snowman

Milan was playing with some jelly bracelets and I asked her what she was doing.

She said, "I am making a snowman." Nice snowman Milan:)

Monkey Bump

Okay, so I am behind on my blogging yet again! Here is a picture of Milan right after she ran at top speed into the corner of two walls. She was a trooper. She cried a little, but was okay after that. You will see the disappearing bruises in the pictures for about a week after.