Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Update on Baby #3...

As some of you may already know, the 20 week ultrasound for baby DiLuigi showed a couple of abnormalities. We had a level 2 ultrasound today so that the perinatalogist could take a closer look. It looks as though the baby has only 1 kidney and the umbilical cord has 2 vessels instead of 3. The good news is that they did not see any other problems today. They will continue to monitor the other kidney and keep looking at everything else to see if there are any other indications of any other problems/syndromes.
The implications of the 2 vessel cord may be nothing. The missing kidney means no contact sports for this little one. As long as the other kidney is normal/healthy, the baby can function normally. We would appreciate prayers and positive thoughts as we wait to see how this all plays out.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Milan Making Valentine Pretzel Buttons

She put about 100 Hershey's Hugs on pretzels.

She did a lot of counting as she diligently did her job.

Here is the finished product hot-out-of-the-oven with their finishing touches of M & M "buttons". These were super easy and super delish. Thanks pinterest!!!

DiLuigi Family Trip to Big Bear

Everyone but the preggers and grandparents went tubing. Here is Milan with her famous funny smile again:)

It is hard to see, but here is Jay pulling Dean and Emily and Evan pulling Milan up the snow hill.

Dean gets a ride. I wish I could have been there. Jay said that Dean let out a squeal of pure joy when they went down the snow hills.

Dean liked the snow, but did not want to wear his gloves. Then of course, he would get mad when his hands were cold. Go figure!

Here is a family picture in front of our beautiful cabin. Can't wait to do it again next year:)

Milan's Dance Recital

Unfortunately, we did not get good footage of the dance. Also, my new camera's clips are too large to post here. I need to figure out another way to post clips. But, I have some pictures from before hand. Holding hands with friend in the lobby.

We brought coloring pages do do while the girls waited.

I don't know why, but I like this picture.

Celebrating December Birthdays

The DiLuigi's at Marisa and Mark's beautiful house celebrating Jay's, grandma Paula's, and my birthdays:)

Out to dinner with the DiLuigi's!

Singing Happy Birthday to Abuelita:)

My Giggle Place

It has been 4 months since my last post...but that does not mean we have not done anything fun! Here we are at My giggle place with Taylor and the twins. This was a great place for kids both Milan and Dean's ages. Thanks for inviting us Jennifer:)

You will see Milan's crooked smile in all the recent pictures. It is really hard to get a real smile from her. I know a lot of kids do this, but where do they get it???