Thursday, November 27, 2008

I am thankful

I have so much to be thankful for this year...

  • My husband who is more than my best friend
  • Our smart, fun-loving, beautiful daughter
  • Our large number of extended family that is so close by
  • More than my fair share of wonderful friends

I want to wish all of you a Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving! We are blessed to have each of you in our lives:)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Cute Little Monkey!

Last weekend, Auntie M came by and played with Milan in the backyard (Alley's yard).

I assured her that Jay had already scooped the poop.

Well, I guess I was wrong:( Milan stepped in some and then sat down after she had scraped her foot along. We stripped her down to her diaper and brought her back inside.

We got some cute pictures from it though!

A sign of a fun day at Disneyland...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I bought Milan a pair of mittens to wear on a little harbor boat trip we are taking in a few weeks. I thought she would hate wearing them. I was wrong. She LOVED them!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Tupperware...The Best Toy Ever!

Milan thought it was hilarious to wear this Tupperware on her head. There are hours of fun to be had with household products!

You've Got Some Big Shoes To Fill Kid:)

Funny Story.

Jay and I have been reminding each other lately to be careful what we say as Milan is picking up words like crazy. Well, the other night, Milan and I were alone while Jay was at the gym. I was drinking water and burped loudly (I know...very ladylike). Milan got the most perplexed look on her face. Then, she proceded to make a loud burping sound. I started to laugh (thinking that we had warned ourselves). She thought I was laughing at her. So, she walked around the house the entire night making the sound. I guess this is a case of monkey see (or hear), monkey do.

What Difference a Year Makes!

This was last year at the pumpkin patch.

We decided to make it an annual event. I think you would agree that these are two good lookin' cousins!

Last year we propped Milan up against the pumpkins:)

This year, Milan roamed around on her own...walking everywhere.

I hope Milan and Callan will like visiting the pumpkin patch for may years to come (although, I am sure Callan will become too cool for it someday).