After 6 days of potty training, we have not had too many successes:( We have gone from sitting on the potty every 30 minutes, to every 45 minutes as Milan was getting really frustrated (and so was mommy). Each time we go is a struggle. Milan's favorite phrase is , "No want the potty!"
That was until bedtime tonight. She was in the crib and she was standing which is unusual for her. She normally lays down. I asked her what she needed and she said, "Poo poo in the potty." So, we quickly went to the bathroom. She did not want to sit on the toilet ring, so I brought in the training potty.
She sat there for 10 minutes looking at a magazine (US) and pointed to every picture saying, "Mommy" or "Daddy". Mind you, P. Diddy was the first "Daddy";) While it was nice having Milan sit on the potty for a while without a fight, I could not help feeling a bit manipulated when nothing happened and she did not want to go to sleep afterwards. The question is, who is training who????
That was until bedtime tonight. She was in the crib and she was standing which is unusual for her. She normally lays down. I asked her what she needed and she said, "Poo poo in the potty." So, we quickly went to the bathroom. She did not want to sit on the toilet ring, so I brought in the training potty.
She sat there for 10 minutes looking at a magazine (US) and pointed to every picture saying, "Mommy" or "Daddy". Mind you, P. Diddy was the first "Daddy";) While it was nice having Milan sit on the potty for a while without a fight, I could not help feeling a bit manipulated when nothing happened and she did not want to go to sleep afterwards. The question is, who is training who????