Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Last of It

I have decided not to continue breast feeding once I go back to work next week. Here is the last of my milk. I think we have enough to supplement Dean until he is 6 months. Truthfully, I am feeling a little guilty about my decision, but such is the life of some working moms! And, he got a lot more than Milan did (I also feel guilty about that). Oh well, I am sure there are many healthy, intelligent people who never had a drop of breast milk, right?

Little Stinker

As most of you know, Milan takes at least one class a week at My Gym. After the kids do gymnastics, the instructors ask them to say, "Ta da!" after each skill. The other day as Milan was walking across a thin balance beam, she was letting off "stinkers" as she walked. As she jumped off the beam, the instructor said, "What do you say?" Milan replied with a loud, "Excuse me!" At least she is polite;)

PS - I know the pic is not from My Gym, but I thought it was cute and definitely showed her silly side:)

Creative Play

Milan is getting more creative. She pretends with different objects around the house. Every time she uses her potty ring, she asks if it is a hat (thankfully she has not yet put it on her head). When her pile of books fell to the side of her bed she said they were stairs. And, she decorated this paper towel roll and it has been a telescope, a doctor's light, and an accordion. I look forward to hearing what she comes up with next!

Hot Mess

Here is the beginning of my attempt to get more pics together as a family. This would be a great pic if we were not so hot and sweaty! More to come...

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Home Improvement

At the beginning of the week, our house was blue with white trim and a white door.

Painters came and worked for about 3 days.

They repainted a stone green with white trim and a dark green door.

We are very happy with the change...these pics don't do it justice!

Jump, Jump, Jumperoo!

I can not believe how much more active and coordinated Dean has become recently. Look at him go! He is our little jumping Dean;)

BTW - thanks Jennifer for giving us the Jumperoo - Dean loves it!

Sweet Boy:)


Here is my little Cowboy riding on his horse:)

Cowgirl Milan says, "Yee Haw!"

Cowboy Dean tries on another hat before getting into the bath. He is one chubby cowboy!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

First Feeding

At four months, Dean got his first taste of milky rice cereal.

He really did not know what to do with it:)

But, he did not hate it like his sister did!

Gotta love cereal drool!

Feeding the Ducks with Friends

Milan, Dean, and I met Sara, Molly, and Jack at the park a few weeks ago. We fed the ducks (Molly did not catch any this time:). We also played on the playground and ate lunch. We love summer:) Thanks Sara for these great pics:)

Friday, August 6, 2010

Summer Playdates:)

Who says you need a pool for a water playdate? We went to Melodie's house and played with these big balloons (a big hit - thanks Sara).

The kids did water balloons. It was funny because they did not really know what to do with them. They were sent flying into the grass. Oh well, the kids liked it - but they were gone too fast!
There was water painting! Milan loved this:)

Dean was there to hang out too:)

The kids had fun with the play dough too. I think having more than one color open at a time made some of us Type A mommies a little nervous! Don't worry though, no colors were mixed in the making of this blog post;)

Here is the pool playdate at our house. Dean shared his jumparoo with Daniel. He is such a cutie!

Mommies braved the cool water with the toddlers. Too bad it was not a little hotter:(

Noodle time!

Daniel and Dean played inside.

Milan did not last long in the pool. But, she did have fun when her friends came over:)