Saturday, December 27, 2008

Santa Came!

Our Internet was not working for a few days and it was killing me not to post these cute pics sooner!

When Milan saw that Santa had come, she ran out to see what was left for her.

She went to the kitchen first. She seemed to already know what to do to play with the pot and the things in the kitchen (who knows how, I don't cook much!)

She was not as interested in the baby doll left in the stocking.

She also liked the shopping cart.

She knows where she sits when we go to the store.
Milan had a great Christmas, and it was really fun to see her play with her toys. In the words of my friend Tanya, "Oh to be a kid again!"

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Playdate with Gavin

Vacations are perfect for playdates. Yesterday was our second playdate this week. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera for the Richman baby playdate. But...I did have it when we visited with Heather, Gavin and Auntie Marisa. The babies ate animal crackers, pumpkin bread, and chips and salsa (Milan seemed to like the salsa!)

Gavin is "all boy" and has a contagious laugh that makes everyone around him do the same. He is a happy-go-lucky baby. Milan had fun playing with him and his toys.
Gavin and Milan liked to play on the blanket Heather had protecting the fireplace. They dove and played on the blanket for a good part of the playdate (again with the household items).

They played with Gavin's fun toys such as this giant green ball.

By the time we were about to leave, Milan decided to take a break and rest for a bit on the blanket. It was a fun day with Gavin:)

Playing in a Magazine Rack

As any of you who read this blog know, Milan likes to play with household items. She normally puts her dolls and other toys in this magazine rack.

Well, she decided to move it to the middle of the room and get into it herself.

Yes, she is also doing a workout in there!

Cousin Callan

Callan showed Milan his new plane.

He let her hold it, but was a little nervous she would break it.

Notice anything missing in the picture? Callan lost his first tooth. The Toothfairy brought him a $2 bill. He does not know what he will do with the money yet.

As always, Callan loves his cousin Milan and she is so excited when he comes to visit.

Are those all presents under the tree?

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Eating with a Fork!

Milan started eating with a fork tonight! We have been giving her utensils for a few weeks, but so far she has just played with them. She's getting to be such a big girl!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Sick Baby:(

Milan got her first touch of the flu bug. Her spirits seem okay, but she does not understand what is happening to her. It is hard to watch her sitting around and not actively playing. I must admit though, it is nice to feel needed. She has spend last night and today in one of our laps sucking her thumb. If the de Lucia's or Delaney's read this...sorry we had to cancel on such short notice last night:( We hope you had fun.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Going to see Santa

I guess not everyone loves Santa...

Thursday, November 27, 2008

I am thankful

I have so much to be thankful for this year...

  • My husband who is more than my best friend
  • Our smart, fun-loving, beautiful daughter
  • Our large number of extended family that is so close by
  • More than my fair share of wonderful friends

I want to wish all of you a Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving! We are blessed to have each of you in our lives:)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Cute Little Monkey!

Last weekend, Auntie M came by and played with Milan in the backyard (Alley's yard).

I assured her that Jay had already scooped the poop.

Well, I guess I was wrong:( Milan stepped in some and then sat down after she had scraped her foot along. We stripped her down to her diaper and brought her back inside.

We got some cute pictures from it though!

A sign of a fun day at Disneyland...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I bought Milan a pair of mittens to wear on a little harbor boat trip we are taking in a few weeks. I thought she would hate wearing them. I was wrong. She LOVED them!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Tupperware...The Best Toy Ever!

Milan thought it was hilarious to wear this Tupperware on her head. There are hours of fun to be had with household products!

You've Got Some Big Shoes To Fill Kid:)

Funny Story.

Jay and I have been reminding each other lately to be careful what we say as Milan is picking up words like crazy. Well, the other night, Milan and I were alone while Jay was at the gym. I was drinking water and burped loudly (I know...very ladylike). Milan got the most perplexed look on her face. Then, she proceded to make a loud burping sound. I started to laugh (thinking that we had warned ourselves). She thought I was laughing at her. So, she walked around the house the entire night making the sound. I guess this is a case of monkey see (or hear), monkey do.

What Difference a Year Makes!

This was last year at the pumpkin patch.

We decided to make it an annual event. I think you would agree that these are two good lookin' cousins!

Last year we propped Milan up against the pumpkins:)

This year, Milan roamed around on her own...walking everywhere.

I hope Milan and Callan will like visiting the pumpkin patch for may years to come (although, I am sure Callan will become too cool for it someday).

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Pumpkin Patch Playdate

We went on a baby playdate to Irvine Regional Pumpkin Patch today. It is a really big pumpkin patch. We played with Sara and Molly; Melodie and Reece; Mark, Tanya, and Ava; and Ana and Mia. This clip has some video as well as pictures from the day.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Today Milan and DADDY actually had a day together while Mommy went over to some friends. We had fun watching the a parade of all the local High Schools, Girlscouts, Boyscouts, as well as some horses, Firemen, and cops. Milan had a lot of fun, but as opposed to being excited about the horses (since she always loves animals), she screamed loudly and pointed when she saw a man standing next to us with a little dog. After the parade, we went to the park where a mini fair was going on where Milan got to ride the swings.....

eat churros.....and then back home for her favorite....PASTA!
You can see how much she loved the PASTA.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

We took Milan to a local pumpkin patch today.

They had a petting zoo. When Milan saw the animals, she was so excited. She really loves animals!

Of course, she called the goat, "Alley".

The little pig slept the entire time (except when the turtle tried to crawl on top of it).

Milan liked the pumpkins...but not enough to spend $50 on one! We bought one at the store for $5 instead.

This clip is great! Animals are drawn to Milan. This time, she did get a little nervous though. There may have been a few too many animals around her and they were a little too close for comfort.

Walking Better Every Day

Crawling is still Milan's perferred mode of transportation. However, she is walking more and more. Her balance is getting better. She is beginning to walk around with objects (such as the swiffer!) in her hands. It is really fun to watch her go:)

I should also note her new top. It says, "My mommy is blogging this:)". My friend Sara picked it up for Milan. It it so appropriate and is one of my new favorite shirts! Thanks Sara!

Pretty as a Flower!

My friend, Sara asked her mom to make all of her baby friends a cute hat for Christmas. Then, she could not wait that long to give them. I don't blame her. Milan looks so cute in her new flower hat:)

At first, I could not get Milan to leave her hat on. But, then she seemed to like it and she even smiled for me to snap a few pics.

She walked around the house a bit in it.

This one is my favorite!

Once the novelty of the hat wore off, she went on to play with her toys:)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Who needs toys...

when you have furniture, dog toys, and dish towels?



We met Christopher (the cat) a few months ago. He came by every night and was starving. Finally, Jay could not take it any more and fed him. We have fed him ever since and taken him to the vet to get his vaccines. He has gained weight and is looking much healthier. Milan LOVES him. He is a really nice and loving cat (unlike Tony!). She looks for him every time we come home. She "talks" to him as we walk by. She even looks out the window at him at night.

Really, Dog Food?

Some of you already know that Milan loves to eat dog food! When Milan is up, we put Alley's food up on the counter. Well, a few days ago, I forgot to put it up when we got home. I left the room for 2 minutes. When I came back, Milan had all the food out of the bowl in front of her on the floor. She had chipmunk cheeks and a wide grin. She was clapping, too! Wow, she really likes the stuff! You can see traces of the food on her face.