Sunday, February 22, 2009

Bithday Party at My Gym

We went to Sofia's third birthday party this weekend at the My Gym in Long Beach.

Milan of course was not into the "circle time" or for playing with the other kids much.

She did play by herself a lot. They had a bunch of puppets that Milan was very interested in. She would pull them out of the fort one by one and show them to us.

This farmer puppet was a favorite.

This spinning toy was new to Milan (they don't have these at our Gym). She did not quite figure it out but had fun anyway. Milan had a lot of fun at the party!


Milan has started to watch a show called, Jack's Big Music Show. She really likes it. She was trying to do the moves with the characters from the show. Unfortunately, I did not get my camera in time to catch some of her best moves, but here is what I was able to capture.

Later that same night. Milan showed us her best spinning moves. As you can see, she gets dizzy as she dances and has to take little breaks along the way. BTW, she took her own sock off and did not want it back on. I have another clip where she took one pig tail out and not the other. She is a typical toddler with a mind of her own!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

New Member of the Family:)

Meet Rudy...the newest DiLuigi! He is a 10 month old mutt, who has some Doxie and Spaniel in him. We rescued him one Friday from an organization that was having a "Speed Dating...find the perfect pooch" event. You could say that he is a Valentine gift from us to us.

Milan likes to give him hugs:)

So, we now have two dogs, two cats, and one daughter (we are one large, happy family).

Milan and Rudy are already becoming fast friends.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Crazy Hair

As some of you already know, Milan HATES to have her hair done. Well, lately, she has let me do it. Then, she takes it out after about an hour. Sometimes I redo it and sometimes she has lost the rubber bands or she won't let me redo it. Here is what she looks like then:)
BTW, Tony was annoyed but not hurt while taking these pictures. That is what he gets for sleeping on Milan's changing table!

My Gym

We signed Milan up for My Gym. It is a little music/gymnastics class she takes on Saturdays. Part of the class is structured and part is not. Milan really likes it. We also go on Mondays for freeplay. She really likes that! She gets out all of her energy and is so tired afterwards.