Sunday, February 22, 2009


Milan has started to watch a show called, Jack's Big Music Show. She really likes it. She was trying to do the moves with the characters from the show. Unfortunately, I did not get my camera in time to catch some of her best moves, but here is what I was able to capture.

Later that same night. Milan showed us her best spinning moves. As you can see, she gets dizzy as she dances and has to take little breaks along the way. BTW, she took her own sock off and did not want it back on. I have another clip where she took one pig tail out and not the other. She is a typical toddler with a mind of her own!


Sara said...

gotta love Jack's Big Music Show!
gotta love spinning, dizzy babies!
our girls are getting TOO big!

Sue said...

Milan cracks me up! She is definitely an independent little lady!