Saturday, May 8, 2010

Angels in the Park

I put Dean in an Angel's outfit and Milan was really angry. I offered to put her in one too and all was well.

The shirt and blanket are gifts made by Auntie M (Melissa).

Dean is 5 weeks old here.

Big sister Milan is 2 and 8 months.

Such a good big sister!


Jennifer said... least she was happy once she got to wear the Angels gear too. She is a great big sister. They are both adorable :).

The Liconas said...

OH, Jess, you could show these to Arte Moreno and he might want to use them for promotions!!! Dean looks EXACTLY like Milan in those 5 week pics. I remember that she had the same light blue eyes!!! They both look so healthy and happy and great!! Happy Mother's Day!