Monday, February 13, 2012

Milan's Dance Recital

Unfortunately, we did not get good footage of the dance. Also, my new camera's clips are too large to post here. I need to figure out another way to post clips. But, I have some pictures from before hand. Holding hands with friend in the lobby.

We brought coloring pages do do while the girls waited.

I don't know why, but I like this picture.


The Liconas said...

OH, I know why..she is lovely just sitting there. I can see her baby face in her still. But she is growing so much!! I am sure she did a wonderful job!

The Liconas said...
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The Liconas said...

it printed my same comment twice. thought removing it would take it off completely..guess not.

Sara said...

I agree...she is the same "little" girl, but is so big...
Always taking in everything around her.
Plus, not much cuter than girls in tutus with their fancy up-dos :)