Friday, January 23, 2009


We went to the Fullerton Arboretum on our day off last Monday.

We did a lot of walking.

Milan also raked some dirt:)

We fed the ducks.

And of course tried (successfully) to keep Milan out of the water.

It was a relaxing day.


Sara said...

we fed ducks too, on Monday.
I was by myself and I will NEVER do it again. Molly literally would have gone it...I had to hold her the whole time...
I can't wait till she is as steady on her feet as Milan is..
Cute pictures!

Jennifer said...

How fun! She is looking like such a big girl in those pics. I know what you mean about trying to keep her out of the water. They are drawn to all sources of water.

Sue said...

So cute! My mom says the first time she took me to feed the ducks, I threw myself into the pond when I tried to throw in the bread. Good job on keeping her dry! And she's very conscientious and helpful to help rake things up. Can't wait to see you guys!

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