Sunday, May 24, 2009

Water Table

We got Milan a sand a water table a few weeks ago. We decided not to use sand this year and filled it up with just water. She really likes to play with it. Rudy likes to use it as his private water dish. He also likes to chew on the toys in it.

I had a little bit of a rough time getting it home though. It was too big to fit in the trunk or the front seat. And, of course I made the mother of all mistakes by taking Milan with me to Toys R Us. The very young guy that was helping me get it in the car suggested just putting it across the bottom of the back seat and letting Milan sit with her legs folded. Needless to say, this was NOT a good idea. I had to call Jay about five minutes into the ride home to come save us. He had to take Milan home so I could get the water table home because she was screaming so much! Bad mommy! Thanks daddy:)

1 comment:

Sara said...

I say next playdate is at YOUR house...Molly would LOVE to splash in that!